Background & Aims

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition that affects 2 to 4% of the population, manifesting as widespread chronic pain, fatigue, sleep disorders, and a range of cognitive and somatic symptoms. This syndrome has a significant impact on the quality of life of affected individuals, compromising both physical health and mental and emotional balance. This case study focuses on a patient with FM, in which venous sympathetic blockade (VSB) was employed as a pharmacological strategy for pain control in the brazilian public health system.


The information presented was meticulously compiled through a comprehensive review of medical records, direct patient interviews, analysis of imaging test results, and an extensive review of the relevant literature.


A 55-year-old patient with fibromyalgia, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and grade III obesity presented with intense pain and a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score of 8/10 in the left shoulder and cervical region, radiating to the left occipitotemporal region. Despite being on a polypharmacy regimen, the pain persisted. The patient underwent a venous sympathetic blockade (VSB), which included the administration of various medications. After two hours of infusion, in the first session, the pain significantly decreased. During treatment, minimal hospital resources were used. The patient showed significant improvement, but the medical team anticipates the need for additional infiltrations in the future for ongoing pain management.


This case study highlights the use of venous sympathetic blockade with lidocaine and adjuvants as an effective and economical strategy to treat intensified pain in patients with fibromyalgia, avoiding the risks of dependence associated with prolonged use of opioids. The intervention resulted in a significant improvement in the patient’s quality of life, evidenced by a marked reduction in pain and a notable decrease in the scores of the neuropathic pain assessment (DN4) and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). It presents an affordable treatment strategy that can be widely implemented even in resource-limited settings and by reducing dependency on opioids, it can potentially decrease the healthcare costs associated with managing opioid addiction and its complications.


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Presenting Author

Luisa Mesquita De Morais

Poster Authors

Victor Giacomini


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Pedro Vinicius Araújo de Abreu


Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde (ESCS) - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Juliano Januário de Araújo


Universidade de Gurupi – UNIRG

Lead Author

Matheus da Silva Ribeiro


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Lucio Gusmão Rocha


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Luisa Mesquita de Morais


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Rafael Vieira Rocha


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Gulliver Rezende Teodoro Ribeiro


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Frederico Barra de Moraes


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Fabio Koiti Nishimori

Centro Ortopédico de Taguatinga (COT) - Distrito Federal

Lead Author


  • Treatment/Management: Interventional Therapies – Injections/Blocks