Background & Aims

With a notable prevalence, particularly among the elderly, hip osteoarthritis emerges as a progressively significant concern due to its direct impact on functionality and quality of life. This study takes a proactive stance in this challenging scenario, aiming to translate, cross-culturally adapt, and validate the questionnaire ICOAP/hip into Brazilian Portuguese for individuals with hip osteoarthritis. In addition to addressing the growing demand for validated instruments in this context, the study tackles fundamental gaps in understanding the reliability and validity of the ICOAP construct, outlining ways to enhance its potential clinical utility. Identifying the characteristics associated with chronic pain in hip osteoarthritis is crucial for guiding more assertive assessments and therapies. This study offers a valuable contribution to managing hip osteoarthritis and promoting functional independence in a population increasingly affected by this globally prevalent condition.


This involves carrying out a study of translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validity of instruments, carried out by the Guidelines for the Process of Cross-cultural Adaptation of Self-Report Measures and Consensus-based Standards for the Selection of Health Measurement Instruments. The study consisted of three phases: translation of the questionnaire, testing the pre-final version of the translated version of the ICOAP hip into Brazilian Portuguese, and validation of the final version of the ICOAP hip. Thus, 130 individuals participated in the study. Thirty in the first two phases and 100 in the last. Individuals of both genders participated in the survey, over 40 years old, with a medical diagnosis defined as hip osteoarthritis, complaints of pain and/or changes in hip function lasting 12 weeks or more, morning stiffness, pain intensity greater than or equal to 3 and those whose mother tongue is Brazilian Portuguese, literate, able to read and write in Brazilian Portuguese.


Fifty individuals diagnosed with hip osteoarthritis were included for validity analyses, and a subsample of 50 patients was used for test-retest reliability. For structural validity, the original structure of the Portuguese hip ICOAP presented all adequate fit indices: chi-square/GL = 1.05; CFI = 1.00; TLI = 1.00; RMSEA (90% CI) = 0.024 (0.000 to 0.073); SRMR = 0.031. The reliability analysis presents excellent test-retest reliability and internal consistency values, with an ICC value = 0.99 and Cronbach’s alpha = 0.997 for the constant pain domain. And ICC = 0.99 and Cronbach’s alpha = 0.996 for the intermittent pain domain. For the total score, adequate reliability and internal consistency were observed, with intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values ? 0.99, standard error of measurement (SEM) ? 8.60%, and Cronbach’s alpha ? 0.997. Regarding construct validity, constant pain, and correlations greater than 0.50 were observed for the items ICOAP hip and HOOS, SF-36, and END.


The Brazilian Portuguese version of the ICOAP hip, with two domains and 11 items, presents adequate psychometric properties. However, the constant pain domain showed a greater magnitude of proper correlation with the reference instruments to assess pain intensity, functionality, and quality of life in individuals with hip osteoarthritis.


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Presenting Author

Aron Charles Barbosa da Silva

Poster Authors

Aron Charles barbosa da Silva

Ph.D. Candidate in Rehab.

Nove de Julho University

Lead Author

Gabriela Nascimento Santana

Ph.D. Candidate in Rehab.

Nove de Julho University

Lead Author

Patricia Santos

Msc student of Rehab. Sciences

Nove de Julho University

Lead Author

Inaê Silva Santos

Msc student of Rehab. Sciences

Nove de Julho University

Lead Author


  • Assessment and Diagnosis