Background & Aims

Body perception disturbances are now recognized as a typical and relevant clinical feature among people with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) 1,2.
With a prevalence ranging from 54 to 84% 3–5, they are believed to be more frequent and more intense in CRPS compared with other chronic limb pain.
To assess body perception disturbances, different tools exist. Among them, the Bath CRPS Body Perception Disturbances (B-BDPS) is the most used(6). It has been translated and validated in German(7) and Japanese(8). It is composed of seven items exploring sense of ownership, limb position awareness, attention paid to the limb, emotional feelings, desire to amputate, perception of discrepancies between what is felt and the aspect of the limb and a drawing of the mental image of the limb (9,10).
Using translation and cross-cultural adaptation guidelines (11), we translated the B-BPDS into French.
The aim of this work is to assess psychometric properties of the B-BPDS French version.


Adult participants diagnosed with CRPS were recruited during a routine appointment in specialized pain centers. Participants with severe psychiatric disorders or unable to read or speak French were excluded. They were informed and gave oral consent before data collection.
The following aspects of the French version of the Bath CRPS BPD Scale (B-BPDS-F) were assessed: internal consistency (Cronbach’s ? coefficient), test-retest reliability (Intra-Class Correlation ICC) and criterion validity. Criterion validity was assessed through a correlation analysis (Spearman rank correlation) between B-BPDS-F and pain intensity, CRPS Severity Score and Quality of Life (PROMIS-29). Test-retest reliability was assessed with a second evaluation of the B-BPDS-F one week after the first.
All statistical analyses were performed using SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA).


In total, 32 participants were included in the study and 21 completed the scale a second time.
No floor and ceiling effects were observed.
Internal consistency of the total scale is questionable (Cronbach’s ? = 0.65). When removing the item with the lowest item-total correlation, i.e. item 3 on attention, Cronbach’s ? = 0.70, indicating adequate internal consistency.
ICC was found to be acceptable (ICC = 0.92 [0.81;0.96]).
B-BPDS-F showed significant correlations with average pain at rest (Spearman’s rho (r) =0.34), PROMIS 29 total score (r=0.40) and anxiety/depression dimensions of PROMIS 29 (r=0.35).


This study provides a validation of the B-BPDS-F with analysis of its psychometric properties.
Our findings are in line with previous work and translations (7,8,10).
It allows assessment in clinical and research settings with French patients with CRPS.


1.Goebel A, Barker C, Birklein F, Brunner F, Casale R, Eccleston C, Eisenberg E, McCabe CS, Moseley GL, Perez R, Perrot S, Terkelsen A, Thomassen I, Zyluk A, Wells C: Standards for the diagnosis and management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: results of a European Pain Federation task force. European Journal of Pain 2019; 23:641–51
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3.Lewis, Kersten P, McCabe CS, McPherson KM, Blake DR: Body perception disturbance: A contribution to pain in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS): Pain 2007; 133:111–9
4.Frettlöh J, Hüppe M, Maier C: Severity and specificity of neglect-like symptoms in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) compared to chronic limb pain of other origins: Pain 2006; 124:184–9
5.Galer BS, Jensen M: Neglect-Like Symptoms in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 1999; 18:213–7
6.Acapo S, Osinski T, Rulleau T, Dupeyron A, Nizard J: Assessment of body perception disturbances in complex regional pain syndrome: A systematic review using the COSMIN guideline. European Journal of Pain 2022:ejp.2032 doi:10.1002/ejp.2032
7.Tschopp M, Swanenburg J, Wertli MW, Langenfeld A, McCabe CS, Lewis J, Baertschi E, Brunner F: Die deutsche Version der Bath Body Perception Disturbance Scale (BBPDS-D): Übersetzung, kulturelle Anpassung und linguistische Validierung an Patienten mit komplexem regionalem Schmerzsyndrom. Schmerz 2018; 32:195–200
8.Mibu A, Nishigami T, Uematsu H, Tanaka K, Shibata M, Matsuda Y, Fujino Y: Validation of the Japanese version of the Bath CRPS Body Perception Disturbance Scale for CRPS. J Anesth 2020 doi:10.1007/s00540-020-02853-0
9.Lewis, McCabe CS: Body perception disturbance (BPD) in CRPS. Practical Pain Management 2010; 10:60–6
10.Ten Brink AF, Halicka M, Vittersø AD, Jones HG, Stanton TR, Bultitude JH: Validation of the Bath CRPS Body Perception Disturbance Scale. The Journal of Pain 2021:S1526590021002157 doi:10.1016/j.jpain.2021.04.007
11.Beaton DE, Bombardier C, Guillemin F, Ferraz MB: Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures. Spine 2000; 25:3186–91

Presenting Author

Sessi Acapo

Poster Authors



University of Nantes

Lead Author


  • Specific Pain Conditions/Pain in Specific Populations: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)