Background & Aims

With the advent of the information age and technological development, the importance of digital health technologies has increased. Pain management nursing (PMN) remains a pivotal aspect of nursing practice, continually evolving with advancements in healthcare and patient-centered approaches. Despite of abundance of nursing research regarding pain management, there is lack of a comprehensive study aimed at elucidating topic theme and the current trends within nursing research focused on pain management, particularly in the advent of artificial intelligent for healthcare. The proposed research aims to identify and synthesize prevailing themes, trends, and innovative practices observed in contemporary pain management nursing research in 21st century using quantitative analysis with corpus linguistics analysis.


This study will review all available articles in databases over the past twenty years (from 2005 to 2024) using keyword searches for the PMN research from 5 databases. Initially, the study will employ a machine learning approach involving an unsupervised topic modeling design using Latent Dirichlet Allocation. The unit of analysis is words. Preprocessing and data analysis were carried out using the Orange Data Mining Toolbox. This programme is a Python GUI. Subsequently, corpus linguistic analyses will access keyless analysis and #Lancsbox 6.0 to explore the frequency of pain management use in PMN research. Additionally, OpenAI GPT 4.0 will be used to explore the presence of psychological constructs within PMN research results. Finally, the study also examined pain assessment/measurement, pain nursing intervention, and pain management. The change in the PMN research trend with the rise of the Artificial Intelligent in health care will be analysed using Tau with the time subcorpora.


This proposed study will contribute significantly contribute to understanding current trends and future directions in pain management nursing research, particularly the recent impact of artificial intelligence on healthcare. The findings will encompass aspects such as main participant characteristics, pain distribution, intervention types, research methodologies, and the intervention’s impact within such research.


They will guide the development of clinical nursing practice by establishing empirical evidence as the cornerstone strategy and enhancing the professional quality of nursing management, prioritizing the health and well-being of patients.


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Presenting Author

Nai-Huan Hsiung

Poster Authors

Naihuan Hsiung


Asia University

Lead Author


  • Access to Care