Background & Aims

Rehabilitation of 118 patients after surgery or after trauma of knee, by injection of Ozone and application on skin of a Liposome Cream containing a parasympathomimetic drug.


By injection of 0,5 ml of ozone on each point, 3 day a week, and by 3 application a day of liposome Cream, containing a 20 mg
of a parasypathomimetic drug, on knee after orthopaedic surgery or after a trauma.
VAS scale of pain. Functionals test: functional impotente with 5 levels of semantic scale. Time in minute. Double blind.


We obtained good results on pain reduction and on recover of funtionality in flexo-extention of the knee, in about 102 patients on 118 of totale.


By injection of ozone and application of a parasympathomimetic drug in liposome Cream on skin, we obtained a good resolution of pain and a good restoration of function of 102 patients on 118, after surgery or trauma on knee.


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Presenting Author

Marinoni Margherita

Poster Authors

Maria Margherita


studi medici franciacorta

Lead Author


  • Treatment/Management: Pharmacology: Psychological and Rehabilitative Therapies