Background & Aims

Temporomandibular disorders (TMD), characterized by a multifaceted etiology with biopsychosocial components and a higher prevalence among females, manifests diverse signs and symptoms, including facial pain, headaches, otalgia, and joint noises. Tinnitus, an auditory sensation with or without external acoustic stimuli, has a nonspecific and multifactorial origin. Somatic tinnitus may correlate with musculoskeletal conditions and metabolic alterations. Perception modulation can occur through activities such as neck stretching, anterior cervical postures, muscle contractions, mandibular movements, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pressure. Thyroid disorders, notably hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, impact the functions of various organs, with a greater prevalence among females. These endocrine dysfunctions ca This study aimed to assess thyroid hormone levels in women afflicted with TMD, with and withon affect auditory, muscular, joint, and thermal regulation functions, among others.


Individuals without hearing loss and with temporomandibular dysfunctions seeking assistance at the Temporomandibular Joint and Functional Orofacial Changes Diagnostic and Treatment Center of the Tuiuti University of Paraná (CDATM/UTP) were evaluated. These individuals were classified by the DC/TMD into 12 main categories of TMD, which are grouped into two categories: a) Pain-related TMD (arthralgia; myalgia; local myalgia; myofascial pain; myofascial pain with referral; and headache attributed to TMD); b) Intra-articular. Female participants aged between 18 and 66 yo, seeking treatment at the orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders diagnosis center, underwent initial interviews and assessments at the speech therapy department. Inclusion criteria encompassed a TMD diagnosis using the DC/TMD criteria. Participants reporting tinnitus underwent a Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) questionnaire. All participants underwent laboratory tests to measure Free T3, Free T4, and TSH levels.


Thirty-five female patients were analyzed, with an average age of 44.61 and a range between 20 and 66 years, without hearing loss. Using the DC/TMD, 100% of the participants were diagnosed with muscular TMD, of which 65.71% also exhibited joint TMD, classified as mixed TMD. The tinnitus diagnosis was based on the patients’ self-reports, with approximately 51.42% mentioning experiencing tinnitus. According to the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) questionnaire, participants had an average tinnitus perception score of 36.88. When comparing patients with and without tinnitus, the obtained values for thyroid hormones were T3 p=0.849, T4 p=0.959, and TSH p=0.479. The relationship between muscular or mixed pain and thyroid hormones was also analyzed, with the following results: T3 p=0.797, T4 p=0.897, and TSH p=0.101.


No direct association was observed between tinnitus presence and alterations in thyroid hormones. Further investigations on this topic are recommended.


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Presenting Author

Jose Stechman Neto

Poster Authors

Jose Stechman Neto


Tuiuti University of Parana

Lead Author

Ana Carla Pogoleski

University Tuiuti of Parana

Lead Author

Flavio Magno Gonçalves


Tuiuti University of Parana

Lead Author

Julia Silva Germiniani

University Tuiuti of Parana

Lead Author

Gloria M N Cortez Ravazzi

Tuiuti University of Parana/TMJ diagnosis and treatment center (CDATM)

Lead Author

Bianca Cavalcante Leao

University Tuiuti of Parana

Lead Author


  • Specific Pain Conditions/Pain in Specific Populations: Orofacial Pain