Background & Aims
Patients diagnosed with endometriosis need to be treated early because in rat studies where the pain is a learnable experience, the nerve thickness in subjects with endometriosis is observed to be much thicker than in the healthy control group, and the pain scale values of the patients also increase.
Neural therapy is a regulation therapy and affects people’s vegetative nervous system. For this purpose, it can be used in the main causes of pain due to endometriosis such as chronic inflammation, central sensitization, and neuropathic pain.
Forty patients who were diagnosed with endometriosis laparoscopically in the last year who applied to us with chronic pain complaints and who had no comorbidities or infections that would cause pain were examined. All of the patients had a history of receiving medical treatment before. 12 patients had previously been operated on for endometriosis but were not cured. Duration of pain, pain distribution, and previous operations were recorded. Pain and ultrasound result evaluations at the beginning, first, third, sixth months and at the end of the 1st year were made with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS – 0/10) and Transvaginal Ultrasound (TvUsg). VAS pain intensity assessment was made between 0 and 10. For holistic evaluation, scar areas from previous operations in the cases were identified. 1% procaine was used as a local anesthetic for injection. Neural therapy injections for the lumbar region were applied using topographic anatomy and appropriate injection techniques.
Our 40 patients diagnosed with endometriosis were compared with a control group of 40 healthy people with the same age group and demographic characteristics and no known chronic disease. The patients’ complaints and their results after 10 sessions are in the table.
summarized. (Table 1)
When our 40 patients with endometriosis were classified according to the ENZIAN scoring system;
15 patients as stage 1-2, 18 patients as stage 3, 7 patients as stage 4
31 of our patients had previously been operated on for endometrioma, 12 of these patients had recurrence of endometrioma in the same ovary, and the other 19 patients had undergone diagnostic laparoscopy for diagnostic purposes. 7 of our stage 4 patients had deep infiltrating nodules.
The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS – 0/10) value of our patients at the beginning and the end of 10 sessions and the amount of regression of other complaints are shown in the table.
When the same patient group is compared to the group receiving m
People with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain as well as other decreases in Visual Analog Scale (VAS) ratios in patients with painful complaints suggest that neural therapy is a successful interventional application method. Neural therapy applications should be included among the interventional methods in the treatment of endometriosis. For this purpose, more information about endometriosis. Repeating neural therapy studies in large series. It was concluded that it would be useful.
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Presenting Author
Pinar Yalcin Bahat
Poster Authors
Pinar Yalcin Bahat
Health Sciences University Istanbul Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Training and Research Hospital
Lead Author
- Specific Pain Conditions/Pain in Specific Populations: Abdominal and Pelvic Pain