Background & Aims

Based on the system of brain-machine interfaces (BMI), exploring whether PL modulates acute and chronic pain by anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and primary somatosensory cortex (S1); to investigate the role of prelimbic prefrontal cortex (PL) on acute and chronic pain modulation and the mechanism in rats.


For regulating the neuronal activity in the PL, we injected virus and implanted the optical fiber into the left PL; and for in vivo synchronously recordig the local field potential (LFP) signals of ACC and S1, we implanted the 32-channel silicon electrodes on the right ACC and S1. Furthermore, here we engineered a closed-loop rodent BMI system, which combined the LFP signals recorded from the ACC and S1 with modulating the activity of PL neurons by optogenetics. Finally, through the establishment of acute thermal and mechanical pain, and chronic inflammatory pain model, to observe that whether activated PL, based on BMI system, can modulate the pain sensory and pain aversion by affecting the changes of information flow between ACC and S1, we compared the behavioral changes of thermal paw withdrawal latency, mechanical paw withdrawal threshold and conditioned place preference (CPP) score in the condition of activating PL driven by three different models, BMI, manual and random model.


1.Giving the pin prick (PP) to plantar, we synchronously recorded the pain onset signals through ACC and S1. And we found that the S1 detected the occurrence of pain earlier than ACC, which is manifested in event-related potential (ERP) latency with ACC longer than S1, p<0.05. 2.Compared with random-driven optogenetic activation of PL, BMI-driven and manual-driven can relieve the pain sensory and related aversion, manifesting in decreased Hargreaves withdrawal latency (p<0.01); increased CPP score in the condition of evoked pain by PP stimulation (p<0.05); and increased CPP score under the conditions of evoked pain by 6g von-Frey (vF) filament stimulation and spontaneous pain in CFA-treated rats (p<0.05). 3.Through the analysis by granger causality (GC) analysis, we found that optogenetic activation of PL reduce ACC?S1 directional information flow of high-frequency gamma oscillations (30-80 Hz), and increase mid-frequency alpha and beta oscillations (8-30Hz) ACC?S1 directional flow.


1.The LFP signals recorded from ACC and S1 can be used to detect the evoked and spontaneous pain onset.
2.The closed-loop BMI system is good for the treatment of pain, driving the optogenetics PL activation to relieve pain sensory and pain aversion.
3. 3.The optogenetic PL activation has no impact on the S1?ACC directional information flow; whereas on the ACC?S1 directional information flow, it decreased high-frequency gamma oscillations (30-80 Hz) and increased the mid-frequency alpha and beta oscillations (8-30Hz).


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Presenting Author

Fei Zeng

Poster Authors

Fei Zeng


The First Affiliated Hospital Of Nanchang University

Lead Author


  • Mechanisms: Biological-Molecular and Cell Biology