Background & Aims

The opioid misuse and abuse epidemic is a public safety crisis impacting people in North America. Personal prescriptions for opioids for pain following surgical or dental procedures are reported to account for a third of misuse or non-medicinal drug use.(1) Prescription drug misuse is defined as the use of any prescription opioid in a way that is not directed by the prescriber. It includes use without a prescription (using another person’s opioid); use in greater amounts, more often or longer than instructed to take the opioid.(2) Although these patients are prescribed opioids they are not routinely screened for risk of prescription opioid misuse. The challenge associated with prescription drug abuse is that opioids have a therapeutic effect in the management of pain that needs to be considered.(3) The aim of this scoping review was to examine the risk factors for prolonged opioid prescription following surgery included published studies from 2018-2020.


This review was conducted following the JBI methodology for scoping reviews (4). The study population included adults who underwent any surgical procedure who were opioid-naïve prior to their surgery. We excluded studies where we could not separate findings for patients with chronic opioid use and those who were opioid naïve. Our review considered research articles exploring the postoperative use of prescription opioids beyond three months. Review articles were not included, but the reference lists were checked for eligible studies. A comprehensive search of published articles was conducted as per the JBI guideline. We performed a search in MEDLINE and EMBASE, using the keywords: “ Risk assessment, Risk factors, Analgesic Opioid, Opioids*, Pain, and “Pain, post-operative”. Identified articles were imported Covidence for data management and screened for duplicates and relevance prior to data extraction. All screening and extraction occurred by two independent researchers (MS and IN).


A total of 979 studies were screened, with 401 studies sought for retrieval and full text review, 323 studies were excluded (not relevant), leaving 78 studies included in this scoping review. The included surgical procedures fell under the following broad surgical categories: orthopaedic (n=35), spine (n=7), gynecological (n=6), cardiovascular (n=4), urological (n=4), general surgical (n=4), thoracic/lung (n=1) and studies that included all available surgical procedures (n=17).(5-83)
1.7% to 10% of patients continued to fill an opioid prescription more than 90 days after their surgery. Common risk factors for prolonged opioid used included being diagnosed with multiple co-morbid medical conditions, having a cancer diagnosis, being diagnosed with a mental health issue such as anxiety, history of a substance use disorder, tobacco use, and lower socio-economic status. (5-83)


Up to 10% of people who undergo surgical procedures continue to fill a prescription for an opioid analgesic more than 90 days after surgery. It is important that prescribers and healthcare professionals be aware of the risk factors for prolonged opioid use. Future steps should identify strategies to minimize the development of new persistent opioid use after the acute pain period is over.


1. Katz N, Fernandez K, Chang A, Benoit C, Butler SF. (2008). Internet-based Survey of
Nonmedical Prescription Opioid Use in the United States. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 24(6), 528-35.
2. Centre for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2016). Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2015 Natioanl Suvey on Drug Use and Health (HHS Publication No. SMA 16-4984, NSDUH Series H-51). Retrieved from
3. National Advisory Committee on Prescription Drug Misuse. (2013). First do no harm: Responding to Canada’s prescribing drug crisis. Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. Retrieved from:
4. JBI. Scoping reviews. Resources.
5. Brown, C. R., Chen, Z., Khurshan, F., Groeneveld, P. W., & Desai, N. D. (2020). Development of Persistent Opioid Use After Cardiac Surgery. JAMA cardiology, 5(8), 889–896.
6. Clement, K. C., Canner, J. K., Whitman, G. J. R., Lawton, J. S., Grant, M. C., & Sussman, M. S. (2020). New Persistent Opioid Use After Aortic and Mitral Valve Surgery in Commercially Insured Patients. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 110(3), 829–835.
7. Clement, K. C., Canner, J. K., Lawton, J. S., Whitman, G. J. R., Grant, M. C., & Sussman, M. S. (2020). Predictors of new persistent opioid use after coronary artery bypass grafting. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, 160(4), 954–963.e4.
8. Ingason, A. B., Geirsson, A., Gudbjartsson, T., Muehlschlegel, J. D., & Sigurdsson, M. I. (2022). The Incidence of New Persistent Opioid Use Following Cardiac Surgery via Sternotomy. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 113(1), 33–40.
9.Bicket, M. C., Murimi, I. B., Mansour, O., Wu, C. L., & Alexander, G. C. (2019). Association of new opioid continuation with surgical specialty and type in the United States. American journal of surgery, 218(5), 818–827.
10. Falcone M, Luo C, Chen Y, Birtwell D, Cheatle M, Duan R, et al. (2020). Risk of Persistent Opioid Use following Major Surgery in Matched Samples of Patients with and without Cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1; 29 (11): 2126–2133.
11. Howard, R., Brown, C. S., Lai, Y. L., Gunaseelan, V., Brummett, C. M., Englesbe, M., Waljee, J., & Bicket, M. C. (2023). Postoperative Opioid Prescribing and New Persistent Opioid Use: The Risk of Excessive Prescribing. Annals of surgery, 277(6), e1225–e1231.
12. Karhade, A. V., Cha, T. D., Fogel, H. A., Hershman, S. H., Tobert, D. G., Schoenfeld, A. J., Bono, C. M., & Schwab, J. H. (2020). Predicting prolonged opioid prescriptions in opioid-naïve lumbar spine surgery patients. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society, 20(6), 888–895.
13. Katzman, C., Harker, E. C., Ahmed, R., Keilin, C. A., Vu, J. V., Cron, D. C., Gunaseelan, V., Lai, Y. L., Brummett, C. M., Englesbe, M. J., & Waljee, J. F. (2021). The Association Between Preoperative Opioid Exposure and Prolonged Postoperative Use. Annals of surgery, 274(5), e410–e416.
14. Scow, J. S., Tomhave, N. M., Lovely, J. K., Spears, G. M., Huebner, M., & Larson, D. W. (2019). Post-Discharge Opioid Prescribing Patterns and Risk Factors in Patients Undergoing Elective Colon and Rectal Surgery Without Complications. Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 23(5), 1022–1029.
15. Namiranian, K., Siglin, J., & Sorkin, J. D. (2021). The incidence of persistent postoperative opioid use among U.S. veterans: A national study to identify risk factors. Journal of clinical anesthesia, 68, 110079.
16. Kassem, H., Urits, I., Shipon, S., Hasoon, J., & Viswanath, O. (2020). The Utility of Percutaneous Balloon Kyphoplasty for Treatment of Traumatic Vertebral Compression Fracture to Prevent Opioid Dependence in a Young Opioid-Dependent Patient. Cureus, 12(8), e9733.
17. Olds, C., Spataro, E., Li, K., Kandathil, C., & Most, S. P. (2019). Assessment of Persistent and Prolonged Postoperative Opioid Use Among Patients Undergoing Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. JAMA facial plastic surgery, 21(4), 286–291.
18. Pitter, F. T., Sikora, M., Lindberg-Larsen, M., Pedersen, A. B., Dahl, B., & Gehrchen, M. (2020). Use of Opioids and Other Analgesics Before and After Primary Surgery for Adult Spinal Deformity: A 10-Year Nationwide Study. Neurospine, 17(1), 237–245.
19. Roughead, E. E., Lim, R., Ramsay, E., Moffat, A. K., & Pratt, N. L. (2019). Persistence with opioids post discharge from hospitalisation for surgery in Australian adults: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ open, 9(4), e023990.
20. Santosa, K. B., Hu, H. M., Brummett, C. M., Olsen, M. A., Englesbe, M. J., Williams, E. A., & Waljee, J. F. (2020). New persistent opioid use among older patients following surgery: A Medicare claims analysis. Surgery, 167(4), 732–742.
21. Simoni, A. H., Nikolajsen, L., Olesen, A. E., Christiansen, C. F., Johnsen, S. P., & Pedersen, A. B. (2020). The association between initial opioid type and long-term opioid use after hip fracture surgery in elderly opioid-naïve patients. Scandinavian journal of pain, 20(4), 755–764.
22. Svensson, C. J., Lundberg, C. E., Sandström, T. Z., Andrell, P., Thörn, S. E., Rosengren, A., & Wolf, A. (2022). Opioid consumption in patients undergoing Rouxen-Y bariatric surgery compared with population controls with and without obesity. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 18(1), 107-116.
23. Ung, C., Yonekawa, Y., Waljee, J. F., Gunaseelan, V., Lai, Y. L., & Woodward, M. A. (2021). Persistent Opioid Use after Ophthalmic Surgery in Opioid-Naive Patients and Associated Risk Factors. Ophthalmology, 128(9), 1266–1273.
24.Wunsch, H., Hill, A. D., Bethell, J., Fu, L., Bateman, B. T., Ladha, K. S., Wijeysundera, D. N., & Neuman, M. D. (2023). Surgeon Postoperative Opioid Prescribing Intensity and Risk of Persistent Opioid Use Among Opioid-naive Adult Patients: A Population-based Cohort Study. Annals of surgery, 277(5), 767–774.
25. Young, J. C., Dasgupta, N., Chidgey, B. A., & Jonsson Funk, M. (2021). Postsurgical Opioid Prescriptions and Risk of Long-term Use: An Observational Cohort Study Across the United States. Annals of surgery, 273(4), 743–750.
26. Abed, V., Khalily, C. D., Landy, D. C., Lemaster, N. G., & Stone, A. V. (2023). Risk Factors Associated With Prolonged Opioid Use After Revision Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Global research & reviews, 7(11), e23.00118.
27. Baron, J. E., Khazi, Z. M., Duchman, K. R., & Westermann, R. W. (2020). Risk Factors for Opioid Use After Patellofemoral Stabilization Surgery: A Population-Based Study of 1,316 Cases. The Iowa orthopaedic journal, 40(2), 37–45.
28. Best MJ, Harris AB, Bansal A, Huish E, Srikumaran U. (2021). Predictors of long-term opioid use after elective primary total shoulder arthroplasty. Orthopedics, 44(1):58-63.
29. Bell, J. E., Sequeira, S. B., Chen, D. Q., Haug, E. C., Werner, B. C., & Browne, J. A. (2020). Preoperative Pain Management: Is Tramadol a Safe Alternative to Traditional Opioids Before Total Hip Arthroplasty?. The Journal of arthroplasty, 35(10), 2886–2891.e1.
30. Brock, J. L., Jain, N., Phillips, F. M., Malik, A. T., & Khan, S. N. (2019). Postoperative opioid cessation rates based on preoperative opioid use: analysis of common orthopaedic procedures. The bone & joint journal, 101-B(12), 1570–1577.
31. Broggi, M. S., Oladeji, P. O., Spenser, C., Kadakia, R. J., & Bariteau, J. T. (2023). Risk Factors for Prolonged Opioid Use After Ankle Fracture Surgery. Foot & ankle specialist, 16(5), 476–484.
32. Chalmers BP, Lebowitz J, Chiu Y-F, Joseph AD, Padgett DE, Bostrom MPG, et al. 2021. The Effect of Preoperative Tramadol Use on Postoperative Opioid Prescriptions After Primary Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty: An Institutional Experience of 11,000 Patients. The Journal of Arthroplasty, 37, S465-470.
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34. Cook, D. J., Kaskovich, S. W., Pirkle, S. C., Mica, M. A. C., Shi, L. L., & Lee, M. J. (2019). Benchmarks of Duration and Magnitude of Opioid Consumption After Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty: A Database Analysis of 69,368 Patients. The Journal of arthroplasty, 34(4), 638–644.e1.
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Presenting Author

Monakshi Sawhney

Poster Authors

Monakshi Sawhney

PhD, NP(Adult)

Queen's University

Lead Author

Irina Nestor


Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Lead Author


  • Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analysis