Background & Aims
Surgery induced postoperative neuropathic pain can persist for months after surgery. It poses significant challenges for patient recovery, rehabilitation, and overall quality of life. Robotic thyroidectomy have gained popularity for their ability to reduce physical invasiveness and improve cosmetic outcomes but hydro dissection of tissue planes result in damage of somato-sensory nerves leading to post-operative pain. To determine the incidence and severity of postsurgical neuropathic pain in patients undergoing Robotic Assisted Breast- Axillo Insufflation Thyroidectomy (RABIT).
13 patients undergoing robotic thyroidectomy via RABIT approach were enrolled. All 13 patients underwent RABIT thyroidectomy under general anesthesia. After surgery, they were assessed for severity of pain and neuropathic pain by Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) and douleur neuropathique 4 (DN4) questionnaire, respectively, at post-operative day 1, day 14, day 30, day 60, day 90 and day 180. An interim analysis of data from these 13 patients has been done.
Out of 13 patients 3 (23%) were males and 10 (77%) were females. The median (IQR) age in years was 38 (27, 41). The incidences of neuropathic pain following RABIT thyroidectomy were 92.3%, 84.6%, 76.9%, 61.5% 30.8% and 15.4% at post-operative day 1, day 14, day 30, day 60, day 90 and day 180, respectively. The mean?standard deviation NRS (static) pain scores were 3.8?2.9, 3.5?2.3, 3.3?1.7, 2.7?1.5, 2.6?2.2 and 1.3?1.2 and the mean?standard deviation NRS (dynamic) pain scores were 4.7?3.3, 4.6?2.3, 4.5?1.8, 3.8?1.7, 3.7?2.2 and 2.3?2.1 at post-operative day 1, day 14, day 30, day 60, day 90 and day 180, respectively.
Despite the enormous technical and surgical benefits of the RABIT approach for thyroidectomy, the high incidence of post-operative neuropathic pain should be considered for timely interventions.
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Presenting Author
Sanjay kumar
Poster Authors
sanjay kumar
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical sciences, Lucknow
Lead Author
- Assessment and Diagnosis