Background & Aims
Pain is a multidimensional phenomenon difficult to understand, defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated, or similar to that associated with actual or potential tissue damage”. Postoperative pain deserves attention, as it can negatively affect quality of life, compromising functional recovery and increasing the risk of post-surgical complications and length of stay. The patient’s active participation in health care has been increasingly explored, because it implies improvements in health status and cost reduction, mainly by avoiding complications of chronic diseases.Aim: To describe the patient activation measures of patients with postoperative pain; to verify disability caused by pain using the Pain Disability Questionnaire ; to verify the correlation between patient activation measure and disability.
This was an observational, cross-sectional, prospective study, whose sample consisted of adult patients with postoperative pain recorded in the medical records, admitted to Hospital Sírio-Libanês.
The study population consisted of 78 patients, 60.3% male, predominantly married or in a stable relationship (75.6%), with higher education (41%), and self-employed source of income (43.6%). The most commonly performed surgical procedure was orthopedic (37.2%), followed by gastrointestinal with 32.1%, and reproductive/urinary with 19.2%. Regarding patient activation, the highest percentage obtained was at level 3, “they are confident in their ability to assume self-management behaviors and change in lifestyle” totaling 44.9%, followed by 39.7% at level 4” make changes in their lifestyles and are able to maintain them even in new and stressful situations”.
Our study considered variables such as the type of surgical procedure and postoperative pain that were previously little considered. The vast majority of the evaluated population has access to information and is well educated, allowing to reflect on moving forward, developing guidelines and health interventions, even at the time of hospital discharge, for their recovery process, as these patients are able to learn and reflect on their health. In this way, we were able to know different activation levels according to each surgical procedure, verify the disability generated by pain in the surgical patient and also verify the correlation between the Patient Activation Measure and Pain Disability Questionnaire instruments.
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Presenting Author
Mariana Bucci Sanches
Poster Authors
Mariana Sanches
SBS- Hospital Sírio- Libanês
Lead Author
Aline dos Reis Silva
Hospital Sírio-Libanes- São Paulo, Brasil
Lead Author
Ana Carolina Vieira Rodrigues
Hospital Sírio-Libanês, São Paulo, Brasil
Lead Author
Maryana da Silva Furlan
Prefeitura Municipal de Maringá , Paraná - Brasil
Lead Author
- Assessment and Diagnosis