Background & Aims

Neuropathic pain is one of the major challenge which is faced by the Physiotherapists, In India during undergraduate program of Physiotherapy there is no module which deals with pain and its component. Most of the curriculum is based on the medical model of the pain, where pain is result of the abnormality or injury to the body tissues.
with no formal education in pain and its component, physiotherapists many times find it very difficult to address the issues of chronic pain.
The aim of this paper is document the knowledge of the practicing physiotherapists in Northern India regarding Neuropathic pain and pain education.
Secondary aim of this paper is to document the whether practicing physiotherapists are aware of pain education resources and are interested in updating their knowledge regarding pain.


This is a descriptive study and Data collection was be done by online questionnaire, which will be mailed or shared through whats app among the physiotherapists practicing in northern India. The questionnaire for the survey will be prepared in consultation with the stake holders and with the guidance of the senior Physiotherapist.
after the initial survey the the responses of the practicing physiotherapists was documented and the physiotherapists were given online class of two hours duration regarding Neuropathic pain and pain education. After the class on pain education and Neuropathic same questionnaire was again shared with the physiotherapists to document their knowledge on Neuropathic pain and regarding pain education.


189 practicing physiotherapists participated in the the survey and on Initial survey 90% of the Physiotherapists responded that they do not had any module on the Neuropathic pain or pain education. 98% of the practicing physiotherapists wanted to join the online introductory classes on Neuropathic pain and pain education. 80% of the physiotherapists responded that they do not use any means by which they can classify pain into various categories. 65% of Physiotherapists were not able to answer the correct definition of the neuropathic pain as per IASP.
After classes on Neuropathic pain and pain education 95% physiotherapists responded that now they always classify chronic into various types and categories and they include pain education as a part of treatment during regular treatment sessions.


This study clearly highlights the inclusions of Module on pain and pain education in the undergraduate curriculum of physiotherapy in India. Further pain education and knowledge regarding the neuropathic pain gives more confident to the practicing physiotherapists and gives them more confident on treating patients with chronic pain .


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Presenting Author

Pankaj Gupta

Poster Authors

pankaj gupta

Lead Author

Dr. Deepak Raghav Phd

Santosh College of Physiotherapy

Lead Author


  • Assessment and Diagnosis