Background & Aims

A polytraumatized patient is an injured person with at least 2 injuries, at least one of which is life-threatening. The examination of the polytraumatized patient must be quick and complete in search of different distresses, possibly neurological, hypothermia and among the essential elements there is the assessment of pain.
The main objective of our paper is to find enough arguments and neuroimmunological means of monitoring pain in Polytraumatized patients.


Our study is cross-sectional, retrospective (on patient file), spread over 24 months, of 65 patients who had suffered polytraumatized and were treated in the medical-surgical emergency department. We carried out our study by means of a survey sheet, by which the demographic data of the patient, the neurological examination, the explorations, the management as well as the evolutionary profile were taken into consideration. We included patients of all ages with polytrauma. Not included in this study are patients with cancer pain or with complicated postoperative effects.


The average age of our population is 37.74 years, the sex ratio is 6.22 M/F, the average BMI is 25.60 kg/m2 (overweight), 35.40% of pain is localized to the limbs, 27.7% spinal. Depending on the pain diagnosis, 56.9% are musculoskeletal pain, 30.8% are postoperative pain, and at an equal rate painful neuropathy and craniofacial headache are respectively 6.2%. The transition to chronicity was at 69.2%. Analytically, it was found that there was no significant relationship between the sex of the patient and the diagnosis of pain (p=0.506), neither with the DN4 classes (P=0.138), nor with the VAS classes (p=0.195). On the other hand, the correlation between mean CRP before and after treatment was statistically significant (p=0.000), as was the relationship between the type of pain and the practice of physical medicine and functional rehabilitation (p=0.004).


Knowing how to diagnose, manage and monitor pain along with other distress in polytrauma patients are crucial elements. A multidisciplinary approach is required in the context of post-traumatic pain. Immunological monitoring of this pain is a very reliable means of monitoring.


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Presenting Author

Mohamed Ridha Khelouf

Poster Authors

Mohamed ridha KHELOUF


Regional University Military Hospital of Constantine (RUMHC)

Lead Author

Mohamed ridha KHELOUF


Lead Author


  • Assessment and Diagnosis