Background & Aims

Despite the demonstrated effectiveness of mindfulness in adults, in the child and adolescent population there is little clarity in the literature that supports its viability and effectiveness, in addition to inconclusive results. The main objective of this work was to carry out a systematic review on the efficacy of mindfulness as a therapeutic tool in the management of pediatric chronic pain.


Interventions based on adapted mindfulness protocols and their results in pediatric pain and associated psychological variables were reviewed. The search was performed using the PubMed, Web of Science, and Proquest databases (Medline, APA Psycarticles, Psychology Database, APA Psychoinfo). A total of 900 studies were identified and 7 were selected for this review.


The results indicated that mindfulness was feasible and acceptable, although it showed significant heterogeneity in its effect. Mindfulness interventions show signs of improvement in certain variables such as depression, functional disability, and acceptance of chronic pain in children and adolescents, although they seem less effective than those in adults.


Future research directions could improve the quality of the studies, include parents, encourage training and constant practice of mindfulness to promote better adaptation in childhood and adulthood. However, due to the methodological rigor of the studies, it is essential to interpret the findings with caution and consider the existing limitations.


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Grazzi, L., Montisano, D.A., Raggi, A., y Rizzoli, P. (2022). Feasibility and effect of mindfulness approach by web for chronic migraine and high-frequency episodic migraine without aura in adolescents during and after COVID emergency: Preliminary findings. Neurological Sciences, 43, 5741-5744.

Grossman, P., Niemann, L., Schmidt, S., y Walach, H. (2004). Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits. A meta-analysis. Journal of psychosomatic research, 57(1), 35-43.

Hesse, T., Holmes, L. G., Kennedy-Overfelt, V., Kerr, L. M., y Giles, L. L. (2015). Mindfulness-based intervention for adolescents with recurrent headaches: A pilot feasibility study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 508958.

Lovas, D.A., Pajer, K., MacLaren Chorney, J., X Vo, D., Howlett, M., Doyle, A. y Huber, A. (2017) Mindfulness for adolescent chronic pain: a pilot feasibility study, Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health, 29(2), 129-136, DOI: 10.2989/17280583.2017.1355807

Ruskin, D. A., Gagnon, M. M., Kohut, S. A., Stinson, J. N., y Walker, K. S. (2017). A Mindfulness Program Adapted for Adolescents With Chronic Pain: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Initial Outcomes. The Clinical journal of pain, 33(11), 1019–1029.

Suc, A., Cayzac, D., Iannuzzi, S., Garnier, C., Bonneau, B., y Sommet, A.(2022) Peacefull: A French mindfulness-based intervention for adolescents with chronic pain a feasibility study. Archives de Pe?diatrie. Advance online publication. doi:10.1016/j.arcped.2022.04.

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Presenting Author

Gema T. Ruiz-Párraga

Poster Authors

Gema Ruiz-Párraga


University of Málaga

Lead Author


University of Málaga

Lead Author

Elena R. Serrano-Ibáñez

Universidad de Málaga

Lead Author

Rosa Esteve. PhD

University of Málaga

Lead Author

Rocío De la Vega


University of Málaga

Lead Author

Victoria Barrado

Universtiy of Málaga/IBIMA

Lead Author

Adrián Fernández Gónzalez

University of Málaga/IBIMA

Lead Author

Mariano Fernández Baena

Pain Unit of the Civil Hospital of Malaga

Lead Author

Henar González Gómez

Physiotherapy U.G.C. Locomotor. Hospital Marítimo Torremolinos/ Hospital Virgen de la Victoria

Lead Author

Isabel M. Beltrán Vázquez

Physiotherapy U.G.C. Locomotor. Hospital Marítimo Torremolinos/ Hospital Virgen de la Victoria

Lead Author

Alicia Eva López-Martínez

Universidad de Málaga, IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND, Malaga, Spain

Lead Author


  • Pain in Special Populations: Infants/Children