Background & Aims
Chikungunya Fever is an arbovirus caused by the Chikungunya Virus, transmitted by the bite of an infected female mosquito of the genus Aedes. This pathology has a febrile characteristic, with conditions associated with intense pain and polyarthralgia that can persist in several joints. According to Bulletin 01/2023 from the Ministry of Health, 174,517 probable cases of Chikungunya were registered in Brazil. The Northeast region had the highest incidence with 257.4 cases/100 thousand inhabitants, it is important to highlight that Brejo Santo, Crato and Juazeiro do Norte in the state of Ceará are among the municipalities with the highest number of probable cases in this period (3,000) and 39 of the 94 deaths recorded in the country occurred in Ceará. Given the risks of seasonal epidemics in this region and the functional limitations resulting from this pathology, this study aimed to map the musculoskeletal sequelae of Chikungunya Fever in the municipality of Juazeiro do Norte-Ceará.
This is a cross-sectional, descriptive epidemiological research with a quantitative approach following the recommendations of Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE). The population was made up of individuals with sequelae resulting from Chikungunya Fever, from the city of Juazeiro do Norte. Data were collected using a socioeconomic assessment form. To assess arthralgias, the Nordic Questionnaire of Musculoskeletal Symptoms (NQMS) was applied. To collect functional data, the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) was used. To grade each participant’s pain, the Brief Pain Inventory – Short Form (BPI-SF) was applied. The data obtained in the interviews were tabulated in an electronic spreadsheet. The data obtained in the interviews were tabulated in an electronic spreadsheet (Microsoft Office Excel®), to generate the results.
The data reveal a female prevalence profile (67.6%). Arthralgia (70.6%) was the main complaint, followed by myalgia (26.4%). Regarding self-reported limitations in daily activities, 61.7% had difficulty waking up/getting up, 61.7% had difficulty moving around, 58.1% had difficulty reaching objects and 52.9% had difficulty performing household tasks (HQA score = 1, 34). Furthermore, 23.5% report feeling pain daily, 17.6% report feeling constant pain and 23.5% report feeling pain only every 6 months. The most affected joints were wrist/hand (20.5%), ankle (17.6%) and knee (14.7%). Regarding the intensity of joint pain, 61.8% reported some degree of pain in the last 24 hours, the average value of the worst pain in the last 24 hours was equal to 3.5. The least pain in the last 24 hours was equivalent to 1.3, reaching 58.8% of participants, with 67.6% reporting medium intensity pain, corresponding to 2.6. Additionally, 44.1% reported feeling pain at the time of the assessment.
The results demonstrated the predominance of women in the sample, aged between 20 and 64 years, highlighting the demographic influence of these factors on the prevalence of Chikungunya Fever. In the occupational context, most participants performed non-manual work, while the minority was involved in manual work. These data suggest potential implications for the daily and occupational activities of these individuals affected by Chikungunya Fever. In relation to musculoskeletal sequelae and functionality, the prevalence of myalgias and arthralgias in distal joints can be seen. Furthermore, most participants still felt significant pain even after a considerable time since diagnosis. Linked to this, the participants had difficulties in carrying out activities of daily living, such as locomotion and reaching objects.
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Presenting Author
Francisco Fábio Bezerra de Oliveira
Poster Authors
Francisco Fábio de Oliveira
Araripina Medical School/Faculdade Paraíso-Araripina
Lead Author
Hellen Karine Silva Alves
Paraíso University Center
Lead Author
Kairo Alves de Oliveira
Paraíso University Center
Lead Author
Maria Clara Silva Sousa
Paraíso University Center
Lead Author
Maria Misrelma Moura Bessa
Araripina Medical School/Faculdade Paraíso-Araripina
Lead Author
- Specific Pain Conditions/Pain in Specific Populations: Pain in Infectious Diseases