Background & Aims

Chronic migraine (CM) is a primary headache that occurs on 15 or more days per month for more than 3 months, with migraine characteristics on at least eight days per month, such as duration of 4 to 72 h, laterality of pain, pulsatile character, aggravation by physical activity, moderate or severe intensity and with associated symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia. It is a condition with a great impact on quality of life and socioeconomic factors. The scarcity of studies that report the perceptions, perspectives, and previous beliefs of these individuals hinders the management of CM, and the development of patient-centered disease models is necessary. Personal narratives and qualitative studies seek to “give voice” and identify important factors for the patient, seeking to assist in investigation and clinical practice. This study investigated the perspectives and previous experiences of individuals with CM.


This qualitative study follows the criteria established by the Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR). Data collection was carried out from the interview with five broad questions about the participants’ perceptions and previous experiences about CM in order to perform the qualitative content analysis. All interviews were conducted by the same researcher, accompanied by the same observer. The answers were transcribed and coded using the MAXQDA 2022®. Evaluator triangulation and external auditing were performed for subsequent analysis of the content of the reports.


A total of 21 participants with BC (18 to 50 years old) were included. The results were described by means of pre-established categories and subcategories created based on the analysis of the answers. Reports with a great impact on quality of life were observed. In the pain characterization category, 3/21 participants identified associated symptoms, 5/21 on severe pain intensity, 8/21 on functionality and inability to perform daily tasks, and 4/21 on emotional aspects. Regarding the category of living with pain, 14/21 characterized pain, 7/21 reported impact on functionality, 7/21 mentioned emotional aspects and negative impact of emotional load. In the social impact perceptions category, 7/21 reported impacts on work life, 4/21 on education, and 17/21 on leisure. The activity and participation category shows impacts on social relationships, 10/21 identified losing activities in educational life, 8/21 reported impact on productivity and loss of work and employment, 10/21 observed loss of participation in moments of recreation and leisure, and 2/21 identified impacts on household chores. In the category expectation of improvement, participants were confident in the search for improvement, with 18/21 being positive.


The results suggest an important impact of CM in several areas of life, and living with this condition is debilitating and disabling. It is possible to observe the need to transmit knowledge about the disease for a better perception of the participants about the pathological picture. Thus, self-reports are relevant to a patient-centered model in clinical practice in the pursuit of quality of life.


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Presenting Author

Josimari DeSantana

Poster Authors

Valter Joviniano Santana-Filho. PT


Federal University of Sergipe

Lead Author

Maria Ivone Oliveira Dantas. PT


Federal University of Sergipe

Lead Author

Anne Caroline F. Souza

Lead Author

Tauane G. S. Silva

Lead Author

Júlia Gabrielly Correia Santos. PT

Federal University of Sergipe

Lead Author

Milena J. Silva

Lead Author

Josimari DeSantana


Federal University of Sergipe

Lead Author


  • Specific Pain Conditions/Pain in Specific Populations: Migraine