Background & Aims

The objective of this study is to describe the thermographic and pain evaluation after genicular block and BMA injection in a case of osteoarthritis.


For the bibliographic review were made research in Pubmed and Cochrane databases with the keywords “BMA”, “genicular block” and “infrared thermography”, selecting just articles published after 2013. For the International Knee Documentation Committee Scale (IKDC) evaluation it was used the “OrthoToolKit IKDC Score”. For the thermographic, 20-minutes thermolysis was made before getting the images.


Patient M.D.T., female, 72 years old, with chronic bilateral knee pain due to grade 4 osteoarthritis in both knees; related VAS (Visual Analogical Scale) pain of 7, Pain Severity (PS) and Interference (PI) of 8,25 and 7,85 in Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), and were also evaluated the IKDC in 5.7%. The infrared thermography images shown a high thermic gradient in both knees. For the treatment, a genicular block with ropivacaine and BMA injection from iliac crest in both knees was performed on October 14, 2019. The second analysis showed 29,9% IKDC scale, 40% VAS score, 45% PS-BPI and 72,8% PI-BPI improvement eight days after the intervention, exceeding the expected improvement compared with the literature (11,03% in IKDC scale and 27% in VAS score).


The BMA injections are a potentially promising treatment for the OA. In this case BMA was associated with genicular blocks and showed an expressive clinical improvement in the VAS, IKDC and BPI scores compared with other conservative therapies.


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Presenting Author

Luisa Mesquita de Morais

Poster Authors

Victor Giacomini


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Lucio Gusmão Rocha


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Luisa Mesquita de Morais


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Rafael Vieira Rocha


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Gulliver Rezende Teodoro Ribeiro


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Robson Nunes da Silva


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Pedro Vinicius Araújo de Abreu


Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde (ESCS) - Distrito Federal

Lead Author

Frederico Barra de Moraes


Centro Avançado de Dor e Especialidades Médicas - Distrito Federal

Lead Author


  • Treatment/Management: Interventional Therapies – Injections/Blocks