Background & Aims

Recent studies had shown that pharmacological actions of benzodiazepines (BZD) are determined by GABAA receptor (GABAARs) ?-subunits [1, 2]. Binding to the ?1 subunits cause sedation and anticonvulsive effects, anxiolytic effects are modulated by the ?2- and for the ?5-containing GABAARs. ?2- and ?3 GABAARs subtypes also associated with myorelaxation, motor coordination is induced by modulation of ?1 or ?3 subtypes. Moreover, the antihyperalgesic effect of BZD depends mainly on ?2-containing GABAARs in the spinal cord [3, 4].
Propoxazepam as the promising analgesic agent, similar to gabapentinoid drugs, used for the treatment of neuropathic pain [5], and has an anticonvulsant effect [6-8]. Our data suggest [6-8] GABAergic and glycinergic systems involving in analgesic and anticonvulsant properties of Propoxazepam. The aim of this study was the revealing of molecular mechanism of Propoxazepam analgesic action by estimation of the selectivity binding to different isoforms of GABAA-Rs.


Electrophysiological experiments were performed on automated SP384PE Patch Clamp (Syncropatch SP384PE) system on GABA h132, h232, h332, h432 and h532 ionotropic GABAARs expressed in HEK293 cells.
GABAARs agonist, GABA, (5 µM) was used as a positive control agonist. Diazepam, the positive allosteric modulator (PAM), as positive control PAM on h132 GABAARs was used at concentrations 0.001-3 µM (with step 0.5 lg). Propoxazepam, obtained according to [9], was tested at final concentrations 0.001-3 nM (with step 0.5 lg) 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300 nM. All measures were conducted at 4 replicate wells/concentration.
From the concentration-response curve the Emin and Emax (bottom and top plateau), C50 and Hill coefficient were calculated. Statistical analysis was be performed, using an unpaired, 2-tailed, Student’s t-test at p<0.05.


The reference PAM, diazepam (reference substance for only ?1 subunint-containing receptor, since the demonstration of its high affinity to this isoform [10]), showed a robust PAM effect with stimulation of the h1?22 GABAARs in the presence of 5 µM GABA (EC50PAM=0.04 µM and Emax ~200%. Propoxazepam did not produce a significant, concentration dependent inhibition of the GABAA receptors and showed robust PAM effect at all GABAA receptors and demonstrated notable difference in GABA isoforms selectivity with exception of the h4?22 (determined ED50 were 0.018, 0.038, 0.098 and 0.02 µM for ?1, ?2, ?3 and ?5 subunits correspondingly; > 0.3 µM for 4). There is also the difference in Emax values (assuming the 100 % at zero concentration – 179.6; 280.1; 455.1; 129.1 and 199.8 % for 1-5 isoforms).


On the results of propoxazepam binding to GABAA h*?22 it is shown that the ? subunit plays a significant role in the receptor’s affinity for Propoxazepam. The rank order of EC50 decreasing are ?1 = ?5>?2>?3>?4 and for Emax ?3>?2>?5>?1>?4. The magnitude of Emax values allows to suggest that functional impact of these two isoforms can be much more intensive, despite the certain formal difference in affinity indicators (EC50). The results indicate that propoxazepam causes the maximum effect only on receptors containing ?2 and ?3 subunits.
Propoxazepam is a potent ligand of the GABAARs allosteric BDZ site, which exhibits functional selectivity for receptors containing a2, a3, or ?5 over those containing ?1. Thus, propoxazepam has the potential to provide analgesia with less sedation than non-selective BDZ.


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7. Golovenko M., Reder A., Andronati S., Larionov V. Evidence for the involvement of the GABA-ergic pathway in the anticonvulsant and antinociception activity of Propoxazepam in mice and rats. J. Pre-Clin. Clin. Res. 2019. 13(3): 99–105. doi: 10.26444/jpccr/110430.
8. Golovenko N.Ya., Larionov V.B., Andronati S.A., Valivodz I.P., Yurpalova T.A. ?harmacodynami?s of interaction between Propoxazepam and a GABA-benzodiazepine receptor-ionophor complex. Neurophysiology. 2018. 50(1): 2–10. doi: 10.1007/s11062-018-9711-9.
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Presenting Author

Vitalii Larionov

Poster Authors

Vitalii Larionov


SLC "Interchem"

Lead Author

Anatoliy Reder


SLC "Interchem"

Lead Author

Mycola Golovenko

academician of NAMN of Ukraine

Phesico-Chemical Institute of NAS of Ukraine

Lead Author


  • Mechanisms: Biological-Molecular and Cell Biology