Background & Aims
Temporomandibular disorder is characterized by pain in masticatory muscles, pain in temporomandibular joint, joint sounds, and limited mandible movements1. It can be classified as articular or muscular, according to the symptoms. It has as etiologic factors stress1,2,3 and joint overload 2,3 conditions ever seen in telemarketing 4 Although pathogenic potential in this activity is a public health problem 5, research about temporomandibular disorder in this occupational group was not too investigated. This study aimed to estimate the frequency of temporomandibular joint among telemarketers and identify associated factors for its occurrence emphasizing those related to clinical signs and symptoms.
This is a cross-sectional study, conducted in a telemarketing company. All telemarketers were invited to participate in the study, excluding those with a history of trauma to the face, a systemic disease, and/or who had undergone a surgical procedure on the TMJ. Each worker was invited to respond to a structured questionnaire. After due calibration through the examination protocol, the researcher carried out the diagnosis and classified the TMD using a validated scale, RDC/TMD AXISI, applied because the translation of the DC/TMD had not yet occurred in Brazil. The questionnaire was structured in two thematic sections: sociodemographic and clinical. A descriptive analysis of the variables of interest was carried out, obtaining simple frequencies for categorical variables and measures of central tendency and dispersion for continuous variables. The prevalence of the effect was observed according to the variables of interest, analyzing the differences between categories using the X2 test
A universe of 400 call centers, of which 200 participated in the study, the majority of whom were women (73.5%), single (84.0%), black (52.0%), aged over 24 years (51.5%) ranging between 18 and 49 years ±4.6, with incomplete higher education (43.0%) and family income varying between 1 and 3 minimum wages (42.0%).Regarding clinical variables, 61.0% reported pain. Among the signs reported related to TMD, the most frequent were clicking sounds (35.5%) followed by joint locking (14.0%), and among the symptoms, 39.50% reported tiredness in the masticatory muscles. The occurrence of TMD in the studied population was 40.50%, corresponding to 81 call center attendants, where 77.78% included in group Myofascial pain; 11.11% in group Myofascial pain with limited opening; in group Disc displacement with reduction of 13.58%; in group Disc displacement without reduction with opening limitation 2,46%; disc displacement without reduction without limitation of opening – 8,64% ; arthralgia em 4,94%.
The frequency of TMD among telemarketers was 40,50%. The main signs and symptoms were face pain (70,59%), limitation of mandibular movements (63,64%), TMJ clicking (70,27%), and pain during palpation on lateral pterygoid (95,06%) and temporalis (87,65%). The knowledge of occupational factors associated with this population study favors preventive action to reduce its prevalence. It also shows the necessity of attention to this activity that is related to multiple efects
1.Fricton, J; Schifman, E. Epidemiologia das desordens temporomandibulares. IN: FRICTON, J; DUBNER, R. Dor orofacial e desordens temporomandibulares. 1-11, Ed. Santos, 2003.
2.Altunda? Hatman E, Torun SD. Occupational diseases among call center operators needing vocal rehabilitation. Med Lav. 2022 Jun 28;113(3):e2022026. doi: 10.23749/mdl.v113i3.12897
3. Muhammed Akif Sami Toker & Nuran Güler (2022) General mental state and quality of working life of call center employees, Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 77:8, 628-635, DOI: 10.1080/19338244.2021.1986462
4. Parise JA, Soler ZAGSG. Qualidade de vida profissional de atendentes de central de telecomunicações. Rev Bras Enferm [Internet]. 2016Jul;69(4):751–6. Available from:
5. Kim, Yun Kyung e Nam Hyun Cha. Correlações entre estresse ocupacional, fadiga e depressão em funcionários de call centers em Seul. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 27.10 (2015): 3191-3194.
Presenting Author
Alcylene Carla dos Santos
Poster Authors
Alcylene Carla de Jesus dos Santos
Universidade Nove de Julho
Lead Author
Leticia Neves Mode
Lead Author
Taísi Antunes da Cunha
Lead Author
Lais Silva Ferreira
Lead Author
Fernanda Cardoso Nakamoto
Lead Author
Cindy Nakamura
Universidade Nove de Julho
Lead Author
Fabiana Xavier
Universidade Nove de Julho
Lead Author
Daniela Aparecida Biasotto-Gonzalez
Lead Author
- Specific Pain Conditions/Pain in Specific Populations: Muscle and Myofascial pain