Background & Aims
Introduction: The management of fractures of the upper end of the femur in elderly patients is a challenge for anesthesiologists and orthopedists. They are responsible for high morbidity and mortality. Osteosynthesis surgery must be offered quickly within 48 hours. The objective of our study was to evaluate the incidence of chronic postoperative pain in elderly subjects operated on for FESF.
Material and methods: This is a prospective, descriptive study including patients over 60 years old operated for FESF during two years.
Study parameters are, the age, the sex, the pain intensity, the pain after three months, the neuropathic pain, the treatment of chronic pain and the prevention
Results: 264 patients were collected, 57.58% were women. The average age of our population was 78.16±9.9 years. 76.90% of our patients presented comorbidities, 72.35% had a Nottingham score ? 4 and 81% had an ASA score ? 2. 47.7% of our patients were operated on within more than 48 hours. The incidence of chronic postoperative pain was 37.5%. This pain was more common in patients who received osteosynthesis (31%) than patients who received a Moore prosthesis (6.5%).
Conclusion: Chronic postoperative pain in survivors operated for FESF remains a problem 6 to 12 months later. It was described during physical exercise (walking), the choice of equipment used had an impact on the quality of postoperative rehabilitation, which requires good pain management pre- and postoperatively.
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Presenting Author
Lamia djebara
Poster Authors
Lamia Djebara
Pain Laboratory CHU Faculty of Medicine University of Batna 2
Lead Author
Mohamed Elhadi Benlaribi
CHU Study, Evaluation and Pain Treatment Laboratory - University of Batna 2 - Algeria
Lead Author
Nawal Boudouh
CHU Study, Evaluation and Pain Treatment Laboratory - University of Batna 2 - Algeria
Lead Author
Nadia Grainat
Lead Author
- Pain in Special Populations: Elderly