Background & Aims

Exposure to severe pain in paediatric population has long-term consequences (1). Untreated or partially treated pain after complex surgeries may lead to chronic pain (2). Perioperative pain management in children is still a neglected area in anesthetic curricula and training of physicians. In developed world ultrasound guided regional blocks used for peri-operative pain relief in children. We designed a capacity building course for anaesthetist who deal with the pain of children.
Our objective was to bring knowledge into practice by training anesthetists who have already attended the basic course of paediatric pain management(3).


A two-day hybrid course was designed. On days I, we covered all theoretical aspects including fundamentals of knobology, anatomy and sono-anatomy of the Plan A blocks, principles of regional analgesia, basic pharmacology of anesthetic drugs through five pre-recorded presentations in presence of principle investigator. On day II, four facilitators trained them to identify nerves and planes on facilitators and needling in blue phantom on four stations. Improvement in post-test from pre-test and a sign off on each station was the criteria to ensure learning and to get certificate of completion.


Eighty participants enrolled for four courses, but nine dropped as no show and we received pre-test and post test of 69 participants. The post-test scores were higher than the pre-test scores with a mean difference of 4.15 (p-value <0.001). On three stations only two required remedial on lower limb station while rest performed acceptable. This course was effective in improving knowledge and practical application. It saved (64) human hours and cost of travelling.


Eighty participants enrolled for four courses, but nine dropped as no show and we received pre-test and post test of 69 participants. The post-test scores were higher than the pre-test scores with a mean difference of 4.15 (p-value <0.001). On three stations only two required remedial on lower limb station while rest performed acceptable. This course was effective in improving knowledge and practical application. It saved (64) human hours and cost of travelling.


1. Taddio A, Katz J, Ilersich AL, Koren G. Effect of neonatal circumcision on pain response during subsequent routine vaccination. Lancet 1997;349:599–603.
2. Victoria NC, Murphy AZ. Exposure to early life pain: long term consequences and contributing mechanisms. Curr Opin Behav Sci 2016;7:61–8.
3. Shemila Abbasi “Creating and delivering pain education for clinicians in a developing country”; February 2018 Vol. 20 No. 1<>

Presenting Author

Shemila Abbasi

Poster Authors

Shemila Abbasi

MBBS, FCPS (Anaesthesiology)


Lead Author

Faisal Shamim


Lead Author

Samie Dogar


Lead Author

Tanveer Baig


Lead Author

Sehrish Khan


Lead Author

Kamran Nawaz


Lead Author

Khan Fauzia


Lead Author


  • Education