Background & Aims
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a debilitating condition characterized by sensory, vasomotor, sudomotor, trophic, and motor disturbances of the affected limb. Recent studies suggest the existence of several subgroups within CRPS patients, possibly corresponding to different pathological mechanisms. Understanding early CRPS characteristics is crucial for prognosis and treatment. The aim of the present study was to report key characteristics of early CRPS patients (< 6 months), and to investigate potential subgroups into this population.
113 early CRPS patients (< 6 months) were recruited between May 2022 and December 2023 in French-speaking Belgium. Data collection involved demographic variables, work-related factors, CRPS history and clinical manifestations, body perception disturbances, quantitative sensory testing (QST), and a visuospatial attentional task. Latent class analysis (LCA) was performed to investigate potential phenotypes.
Skin color asymmetry, swelling, and motor disturbances were common, while sweating asymmetry and trophic disturbances were less frequent. QST revealed sensory profile abnormalities, including thermal and mechanical stimuli detection deficits and increased pain sensitivity to thermal stimuli and blunt pressure. Cluster analysis identified four profiles: mild, moderate, severe, and pressure allodynia CRPS. These profiles showed differences in CRPS features, outcomes, and psychosocial factors, highlighting the heterogeneity within early CRPS.
Future longitudinal studies are needed to validate these findings and assess their prognostic implications.
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Presenting Author
Marc-Henri Louis
Poster Authors
- Specific Pain Conditions/Pain in Specific Populations: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)