Background & Aims
Digital transformation and integration of electronic health (eHealth) solutions into chronic pain management faces significant challenges that have not yet been met [1,7]. To realize the potential of eHealth solutions there is a need to understand the challenges, needs and care processes of eHealth emerging within specific care contexts [5,6]. The objective of this study was to explore challenges, barriers, support needs, and visions experienced by patients and general practitioners (GPs) in the context of an eHealth solution designed for chronic pain management in general practice.
The study used action-research as a methodological framework [3]. We conducted two future workshops involving eight patients living with chronic pain and seven GPs with clinical experience in managing chronic pain. Through case vignettes and inspiration cards, these workshops stimulated discussions and shared knowledge construction. Data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis, separated by the groups, and were synthesized via a matrix analysis [2,4].
The analysis revealed five content summary themes: Theme 1—patients’ experience of challenges in life with pain; Theme 2— challenges in treating patients with chronic pain; Theme 3—patients’ suggestions for the structure of the eHealth solution; Theme 4—GP’ suggestions for the structure of the eHealth solution; and Theme 5—differences and similarities: Visions for an eHealth solution. The matrix analysis generated several touchpoints and tension which emerged within the patient-physician encounter, and created insights into how a digital solution could help bridge the communicative gap between GPs and patients. This included. 1) A Pain Diary feature, 2) A tool for managing modifying factors, 3) A Pain Education feature, 4) Personalized toolkit for management, 5) Information features for relatives, 6) A Contact person or a Guide.
This study integrated real-world insights from both patients and GPs and revealed distinct roles and challenges faced by each group in pain management. These findings address some of the key challenges and represents a significant advancement in developing personalised and innovative eHealth solutions for general practice.
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Presenting Author
Chris Djurtoft
Poster Authors
Chris Djurtoft
Research Unit for General Practice at Aalborg University
Lead Author
Kristine Sørensen
Aalborg University
Lead Author
Christian Odgaard
Aalborg University
Lead Author
Morten Hoegh
Aalborg University
Lead Author
Michael Skovdal Rathleff
Research Unit for General Practice at Aalborg University
Lead Author
Simon Kristoffer Johansen
Research Unit for General Practice at Aalborg University
Lead Author
- Patient Engagement and Co-Creation in Research and Education