Background & Aims

The relationship between dental occlusion and body posture is widely researched. In public health services, we have begun a study to investigate the effects of irregular tooth positioning and the relationship of occlusion to posture, which potentially leads to balance changes and pain. This research focused on a professional football player. Due to some possible dental problems linked to reduced physical performance and emerging low back pain, an oral investigation was driven. The study involved clinical examination, assessment of body symmetry, baropodometry and capture of thermographic images. The aim was to determine if the hypothesized connection could be appropriate after the intervention, since it included adjustment of the maxillo-mandibular connection by using an intra-oral device, followed by postural correction. The results indicated immediate improvements in posture and pain relief after the first intervention, offering insights for future studies in similar cases


The case requested simultaneous and interdisciplinary physiotherapy and dentistry action. The patient was submitted to oral examinations, photometry in four body positions, static baropodometry, and thermography (FLIR C2 -USA) of the cranial region ( frontal ) and dorsal-lumbar area, being evaluated in two appointments over five days. Data were analyzed using VisionFy/ThermoFy Ver.1.2.1 (Brazil) software in a controlled environment. The pain was measured by the visual analog scale, with scores ranging from 0 (no pain) to 10 (maximum pain ). A device called a Functional Mandibular Posture Guide was created to balance the intermaxillary position for continuous and daily use. Body postural repositioning was performed through stimulus from the proprioceptive feedback. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Department of Health of the City of Mauá ( State of São Paulo ) under number 2012/SSPMM002/2023.


Based on the report of a 22-year-old male patient, who described a low back pain that started fifteen days before the visit. Before physiotherapeutic treatments in addition to a reduction in physical activities, there were not any improvements in his clinical condition. The requested clinical investigation found functional oral imbalances and dental misalignments. Initial thermographic examinations of the lumbar region showed a hot spot of 34.94º Celsius, and the level of pain was 7. After the creation of the oral guide necessary for postural restructuring, there was an immediate reduction to level 2 (71.4 %), and a thermographic finding of 34.34º Celsius, which led to a lack of symptoms and, consequently, the patient’s voluntary interruption of the oral device’s use after three days of the first visit. Two days later, in a new evaluation, a pain level of 9 and the thermal increasing 0.85° Celsius, reaching 35.19º Celsius were the data recorded.


Due to the circumstances in the treatment of high-performance athletes determined by the anti-doping laws and competitive period, the results obtained by the sum of interventions enabled further studies on dental occlusion, cranio-cervical positioning, and body postural balance control. Using oral devices and minimally invasive techniques, with the ability of reversibility and without any additional damage. The eventual decadence of the clinical picture endorsed the lack of consent with the guideline. The disciplinary misconduct reported by himself was caused by the absence of pain in the period following the first appointment, which provided comfort and enabled the return to sporting activities.


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Presenting Author

Eduardo Abe

Poster Authors

Rodrigo Albuquerque

Chronic Pain Desease Treatment Center (CTD)

Lead Author

Marcos Brioschi


Lead Author

Eduardo Abe

Lead Author