Background & Aims

Cervical radiculopathy is initially typically managed conservatively. Surgery is indicated when conservative management fails or with severe/progressive neurological signs. Personalised multimodal physiotherapy could be a promising conservative strategy. However, aggregated evidence on the (cost-)effectiveness of personalised multimodal physiotherapy compared to surgery with/without post-operative physiotherapy is lacking. The aim was to systematically summarise the literature on the (cost-)effectiveness of personalised multimodal physiotherapy compared to surgery with or without post-operative physiotherapy in patients with cervical radiculopathy.


PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO and Web of Science were searched from inception to 1st of March 2023. Primary outcomes were effectiveness regarding costs, arm pain intensity and disability. Neck pain intensity, perceived recovery, quality of life, neurological symptoms, range-of-motion, return-to-work, medication use, (re)surgeries and adverse events were considered secondary outcomes. Randomised clinical trials comparing personalised multimodal physiotherapy versus surgical approaches with/without post-operative physiotherapy were included. Two independent reviewers performed study selection, data-extraction, and risk of bias assessment using the Cochrane RoB 2 and CHEERS statement. Certainty of the evidence was determined using GRADE.


From 2,109 records, eight papers from two original trials, with 117 participants in total were included. Low certainty evidence showed there were no significant differences on arm pain intensity and disability, except for the subscale ‘heavy work’ related disability (12-months) and disability at 5-8 years. Cost-effectiveness was not assessed. There was low certainty evidence that physiotherapy improved significantly less on neck pain intensity, sensory loss and perceived recovery compared to surgery with/without physiotherapy. Low certainty evidence showed there were no significant differences on numbness, range of motion, medication use, and quality of life. No adverse events were reported.


Considering the clinical importance of accurate management recommendations and the current low level of certainty, high-quality cost-effectiveness studies are needed.


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Presenting Author

Sebastiaan Klein Heerenbrink

Poster Authors

Sebastiaan Klein Heerenbrink

Master of Science

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Lead Author

Pieter Coenen

Lead Author

Michel Coppieters

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Lead Author

Hanneke van Dongen

Lead Author

Carmen Vleggeert-Lankamp

Lead Author

Servan Rooker

Lead Author

Bas ter Meulen

Lead Author

Hans Bosboom

Lead Author

Gert Bouma

Lead Author

Ivo Lutke Schipholt

VU Amsterdam

Lead Author

Marije Sleijser-Koehorst

Lead Author

Ralph de Vries

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Lead Author

Raymond Ostelo

Lead Author

Wendy Scholten-Peeters

Vrije universiteit Amsterdam

Lead Author


  • Specific Pain Conditions/Pain in Specific Populations: Neck Pain