Background & Aims
Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) is a commonly used tool to assess patient-reported pain outcomes and has been translated into multiple languages. Most research shows that the BPI has two factors (pain severity, pain interference) in most populations, and can be valid with three factors (pain severity, pain activity interference, pain affective interference) in some populations such as people with HIV/AIDS and cancer. This study examined the psychometric performance of the BPI, particularly the factor structure using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and item difficulty and discrimination using Item Response Theory (IRT) analyses in U.S. Veterans who experience knee pain prior to Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA).
A total of 660 U.S. Veterans were consented and screened for enrollment in an on-going, double-blind, two-arm, randomized controlled trial, evaluating the efficacy of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention in veterans at risk for Persistent post-surgical pain (PPSP) following total knee arthroplasty (TKA). All Veterans completed the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) during post-consent screening to assess individuals’ eligibility with regard to pain level for the trial. Based on factor structures of the BPI reported in prior literature, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to examine the fit of the data to a 2-factor structure (pain severity and pain interference) and a 3-factor structure (pain severity, pain activity interference, and pain affective interference). Appropriate factor structures that confirm unidimensionality were used for IRT analysis, where items within each factor were estimated for difficulty and discrimination.
All 660 Veterans (age mean =66.7 years, SD=9.1 ; 88% male; 72.2% white, 61% married) had knee pain with varied duration, and 61.5% had other ongoing, chronic or persistent pain for at least the last six months. The 2-factor structure showed acceptable mixed model fit and appropriate discrimination with strong correlation factors (r=.776, p<.001). The 3-factor structure showed better model fit than the 2-factor structure and had appropriate discrimination with strong correlation of pain severity with both pain activity interference (r= .738, p<.001) and pain affective interference (r= .766, p<.001), and very strong correlation between pain activity and affective interference (r= .856, p<.001). BPI showed acceptable mixed model fit as a 2-factor tool, and better model fit as a 3-factor model to IRT. BPI items in both factor structures showed acceptable item discriminations and evenly spread item difficulty estimates. Item and test information curves were unimodal and symmetric.
While both 2-factor and 3-factor structures of the BPI may be appropriate and the 3-factor structure had better model fit, it is possible that the 3-factor structure may be too parsimonious. Findings provide preliminary information supporting the use of the 2-factor structure or the 3-factor structure based on study aims and concepts of interest. For example, if pain interference in general is of interest (versus pain activity and affective interference), and/or sample size is relatively small, a 2- factor structure vs. 3-factor structure, can be pursued.
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Presenting Author
Barbara Rakel
Poster Authors
Wen Liu
University of Iowa
Lead Author
Kyung Soo Kim
University of Iowa
Lead Author
Jennie Embree
University of Iowa
Lead Author
M. Bridget Zimmerman
University of Iowa
Lead Author
Katherine Hadlandsmyth
University of Iowa
Lead Author
Tracey Smith
Baylor College of Medicine
Lead Author
Joseph Buckwalter
University of Iowa
Lead Author
David Green
Baylor College of Medicine
Lead Author
Lilian Dindo
Baylor College of Medicine
Lead Author
Barbara Rakel
University of Iowa
Lead Author
- Assessment and Diagnosis