Background & Aims
Individuals who fall in love often exhibit lower pain perception when exposed to their romantic partners. However, it remains unanswered whether pain perception differs between fall-in-love and single individuals, as well as whether single individuals could also benefit from pain relief by viewing others’ romantic love. To address these gaps, two event-related potential (ERP) studies were conducted.
Study 1 compared the pain perceptions between fall-in-love and single groups and found that compared with the single group. Study 2 focused on single participants and examined their pain perceptions while viewing romantic love, positive, and neutral pictures.
Study 1 found that fall-in-love group exhibited longer reaction times and smaller P2 amplitudes to pain stimuli, especially to high-pain stimuli. Study 2 found that compared with positive and neutral pictures, single participants displayed longer reaction times and smaller P2 amplitudes to pain stimuli while viewing romantic love pictures.
These findings suggest that either falling in love or viewing others’ romantic love can decrease individuals’ pain perception.
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