Background & Aims
Chronic pain, in Brazil, affects around 30% to 50% of the population and integrates physical, mental, social and emotional factors, often presenting comorbidities such as depression and anxiety. Worldwide, depression affects 300 million people and is the second leading cause of death among young people. Although the evidence is not significant, facial expressions, postures and movements are among the behaviors evaluated in the intensity and presence of chronic pain. Thinking about the integration of the musculoskeletal and psychobehavioral system, Godelieve Dennys-Struyf described the GDS Method of Muscular and Joint Chains. It evaluates the individual in biomechanical and behavioral aspects, resulting in 6 different postural patterns;PM, AM, PA/AP, PL and AL. Each acronym means the anatomical position of the muscles of each muscle chain.
The objective was to verify the association between postural patterns, anxiety and depression and to address a preventive assessment of chronic pain
An exploratory study with associative analysis in which 30 young people of both sexes aged between 19 and 24 participated, who were selected using the snowball sampling methodology, adapting to the moment of COVID-19. An instrument was applied to assess anxiety and depression problems, the Adult Self-Report (ASR) questionnaire. The questionnaire was analyzed by the psychologist collaborating in the study. To evaluate the postural pattern, the photogrammetry protocol was carried out, and later the DIPA© software was used to analyze the photos. The evaluation was carried out based on the biomechanical parameters of the G.D.S method
Statistical analysis was performed considering a significance level of p? 0.05. The Pearson test was applied to verify the association between the different variables.
The results showed that for the ASR questionnaire, the most frequently scored behavioral problems were: anxiety and depression and intrusive behaviors and aggression. In the biomechanical analysis of postural patterns, 56.7% of participants showed a predominance of the PL (posteromedian) muscle chain, which indicates a posture with a greater psychobehavioral probability of being extroverted, communicative, anxious, and may be typical or defensive behavior.
Finally, the results of the study showed that depression and anxiety problems, when associated with the PL chain postural pattern, resulted in a statistically significant difference p=0.010.
The present study aimed to evaluate the association between postural patterns, anxiety and depression. From the results found, it was possible to establish an association between the most characteristic postural pattern, biomechanically, and depression and anxiety problems. Therefore, it is suggested that this group with a more extroverted postural pattern has a prior assessment in a specialized service encouraging primary care to prevent chronic pain. Pinheiro and collaborators in 2014, showed a significant correlation between anxiety scores (p < 0.001) and depression (p < 0.001) with pain intensity.
However, the sample of this study is small, and cannot be generalized. It is expected, therefore, that the findings of this study can stimulate other research in the area and contribute to scientific production.
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Presenting Author
Camila Parise Chiarioni
Poster Authors
Camila Chiarioni
In Movement Fisio
Lead Author
- Access to Care