Background & Aims

Pain neuroscience education is an effective approach in pain management when included in a multimodal treatment protocol . We can say that Physiotherapists are best positioned to provide patient education in patients with chronic pain. The aim of this study is to determine whether pain neuroscience education has been taught to undergraduate physiotherapy students in India.


This is a cross sectional study during which characteristics of pain teaching contents in Physiotherapy courses in India were collected from institutional websites during the period of 6 weeks . Two authors independently retrieved the data . We used the STrengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology STROBE guidelines for our manuscript.


Twenty Bachelor degree of Physiotherapy curriculum were retrieved. Out of twenty universities 3 were government and 17 were private semi funded universities. None of the universities mentioned teaching in pain neuroscience education.


Based on the study results there is no formal training on Pain neuroscience education given to undergraduate physiotherapy ,so this necessitates the inclusion of pain neuroscience education in future during curriculum update


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Presenting Author

Ramaprabhu Krishnappa

Poster Authors

Ramaprabhu Krishnappa


Medcare Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation center

Lead Author

Sonali Shrivastava

Shri Shankracharya Institute of Medical sciences

Lead Author


  • Education