Background & Aims
Cancer is a major health problem, including metastasis. Metastatic prostate cancer causes more than 400,000 deaths each year, and this number is expected to more than double by 2040. Some analgesic targets, such as ion channels and receptors, are also involved in the cancer process, the use of some analgesics may impact cancer growth and metastasis. Gabapentinoids as adjuvant analgesics are used as first-line treatment of neuropathic pain in cancer pain.
The research design used was in vitro experimental with randomized design. There were eight groups in this study, namely four stem cell groups with treatment and four cancer cell culture groups with treatment, with three repetitions per group. The research was conducted in the laboratory of PT Prodia Stem Cell (ProSTEM) Indonesia in period from June to October 2023.
Gabapentin was given to each stem cell group and cancer cell culture group at graded doses, namely 4,000 ng/ml, 8,000 ng/ml, 16,000 ng/ml, and 32,000 ng/ml. Subsequently, apoptosis and toxicity indices were tested. The mean apoptosis index and toxicity were analyzed by ANOVA test, and continued with the least significant differences (LSD) test with a significance level (a) of 5% (0.05).
Gabapentinoids can effectively inhibit cancer cell progressivity by increasing apoptosis cell toxicity.So that this study is expected to be one of the references in making good decisions in providing gabapentinoid treatment as an anti neuropathy pain found in cancer pain.
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Presenting Author
Dessy Rakhmawati Emril
Poster Authors
Dessy Rakhmawati Emril
Prof. Dr. med
Neurology Department, Faculty of Medicine University Syiah Kuala
Lead Author
Zulkarnain MD
Department of Phisiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Lead Author
Nirwana Lazuardi Sary
Department of Phisiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Lead Author
- Treatment/Management: Complementary and Alternative therapies