Background & Aims
About 528 million people worldwide were living with osteoarthritis (OA)in 2019. With a prevalence of 365 million, the knee is the most frequently affected joint. There are various pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment modalities available but no consensus guidelines yet formulated. Genicular nerve Radiofrequency ablation(RFA) and dextroprolo-ozone (DPO) therapy are recently emerging techniques for knee osteoarthritis pain management.
AIMS: To compare efficacy between genicular nerve radio frequency ablation and dextroprolo ozone therapy in knee osteoarthritis.
Patients suffering from chronic knee osteoarthritis of KL (Kellgren and Lawrence system )radiological grade 2 and 3 and received radiofrequency ablation of genicular nerve or dextroprolo ozone therapy between July 2019 and June 2022 in ESI institute of pain management were enrolled. The study was initiated after obtaining approval from institutional ethical committee and informed written consent from the patients. In the present study, data from the patients who were diagnosed with OA grade 2 and grade 3, and underwent RFA and dextro proloozonetherapy between July 2019 and June2022 will be evaluated through the review of patient file records and patient’s interview (telephonic or face-to-face) . The data collected were then analysed.
A total of 115 patients were included in the study ( 50 in RFA group and 65 in dextroproloozone therapy group).
Average duration of significant pain relief following genicular nerve RFA was 7.4 months and following dextroprolo-ozone therapy was 5.7 months.
Although genicular nerve RFA and dextroprolo-ozone therapy offers approximately same duration of significant pain relief but dextroprolo-ozone therapy could be more cost effective alternative than RFA specially in case of low income country .
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